Monday, February 20, 2012

DIY Tissue Paper Orbs

For a formal ball I helped organize and decorate I made these tissue paper orbs. So SIMPLE!
1. Blow up a balloon to desired SIZE. (I choose to keep the balloon shape as round as possible.)
2. With Modge Podge or watered down Elmers glue, hold the knot on the balloon and paint on a thin coat.
3. Apply tissue paper, one sheet at a time. I found it was SO much easier to cut my tissue paper sheets into fourths before starting so that I was working with smaller surfaces when I applied glue. The tissue paper will stick easily and in some spots SATURATE from the glue. No worries, this is a layered project and you'll have plenty of time to get the orb all covered up.
4. Keep this pattern going, glue and more tissue paper until you've reached consistent coverage on the balloon. I worked my top edges so that they'd be random and more like a tulip using the corners of the paper.
5. Tie up that balloon and let it dry. It only took about an hour. After it's completely dry, pop the balloon. Any parts of the orb that indent can be reshaped with no trouble and they look lovely.
6. Use an electric light! You can see the difference my larger and ticker orb made with the light verses smaller an thiner.


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